university of californiaberkeley

Woman Says She Had To Prove Biracial Son Was Hers Before Flight And Fears It's Common For Black Moms

Lindsay Gottlieb was allegedly asked for Facebook evidence.

People Go off on Trump for Threatening UC Berkeley's Federal Funding After Protests Cancel Alt-Right Speaker

Demonstrators opposed to the speech of Milo Yiannopoulos.
Appeals Court Upholds California’s Affirmative Action Ban  - A federal appeals court upheld California’s affirmative action ban on the use of race, ethnicity and gender in public college and university admissions on Monday. The ruling marks the second time the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the state’s landmark voter initiative supporting Affirmative Action, Proposition 209, which was passed in 1996.(Photo: Kristopher Skinner/Contra Costa Times/MCT/Landov)

Appeals Court Upholds California’s Affirmative Action Ban

Affirmative action proponents say they'll continue to fight.

Farrakhan's Speech at Cal Berkeley Is Criticized — and Defended

Farrakhan's speech at Berkeley was criticized.
Was Black H.S. Student Denied Sole Valedictorian Because She Is Black? - Kymberly Wimberly, an 18-year-old Black student, was told that she could not be valedictorian at McGehee High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, because it would create a "big mess" at the predominately white school. Wimberly has now filed a complaint in federal court in response to school administrators treating her as inferior to her peers, though, in fact, she was a better student.(Photo: Express-Times /Landov)

Affirmative Action Fight in California Isn’t Over

An appeals court has been asked to overturn the ban.

Report: Black Unemployment Remained Steady in 2011

Economist say the loss of public sector jobs is to blame.