
Most African Americans Feel They Are Successful, Study Shows

At least 66 percent of the participants in the survey consider themselves at least “somewhat successful.”
Police car rooftop strobe lights - stock photo

Young Black Boys in Miami-Dade County Disproportionately Arrested, Research Reveals

“Black youth were much more likely to be arrested and re-arrested compared to White Latinx and White Non-Latinx youth.”

Gun Assault Rates Doubled for Children in 4 Major Cities During the Pandemic, New Data Shows

In a study analyzing multiple cities, Black children suffered most from the violence

A Different Path To Excellence: Unique HBCU Programs For Ambitious Students

While business, engineering and the arts remain popular, there are some Black Colleges that offer specialized majors.

Black And Latino Students Disproportionately Taught By Inexperienced, Uncertified Teachers, Study Shows

The researchers call the situation a ‘racial justice issue.’

Study Proves Racism Is A Factor In Accelerated Aging Among Black People

A lengthy research project showed effects of discrimination.

Racism Could Literally Affect Your Physical Health, Study Shows

Exposure to bigotry increases risk of numerous diseases.

Study Suggests The ‘Strong Black Woman’ Trope Could Increase The Risk Of Depression

Study: “self-silencing" a path from strength to depression.

New Study Reveals Ideal Penis Size Desired by Women

Hint:Banana for a one night, baby carrot for a relationship.

If You're Over 33, You Don't Listen to New Music

New study-based findings on Spotify users in the U.S.
Black unemployment

Study Finds Black Resilience Contributes to Unemployment Rate

Unemployed Blacks continue job search, tick up jobless rate.