A Month of Trying To Do Kim Kardashian's Beauty Routine Will Cost You $50k

$50k a month for Kim Kardashian's beauty routine. It's not for everyone.

We all know people  will go to extreme lengths to look like the Kardashian-Jenners, but no-one is more committed to the cause Kim Kardashian herself.

In between finding time to culturally-appropriate hairstyles (for the record, Kim still doesn’t care!) the reality TV-star-turned-makeup-entrepreneur is very busy maintaining her looks for herself, fans, and of course, hubby, Kanye West.

She recently laid out her $50K entire routine for Elle Magazine—and it’s fascinating to hear the hours of time she dedicates to bodily upkeep. 

“Hour-long workouts at 6 a.m. (Torture.) Hair and makeup for an hour every day. (Fun.) Manicures and pedicures every 10 days. Brows with Anastasia every three weeks. Teeth whitening, spray tans, laser hair removal, various stomach- and thigh-tightening lasers (although she’s cut back on those), daily skin and hair vitamins, plus the occasional marathon hair event, like the cornrows, which took six hours and kept her up until 2 a.m." 


Wait, so how much does that actually cost? We discovered the below upon crunching a few numbers:

That's about $52K (give or take) at the low end—and remember, this is just an estimate! Most of her team is signed to NDAs so we'll never truly know. 

The one exception? Her eyelashes. “They’re natural. She’s never done extensions, doesn’t need them. The Armenian side of her family took care of that,” the magazine wrote

We are floored, especially since Kim has been sharing lately that she could “cares less” about what she looks like now.  

“At the beginning, I looked at people’s opinions. Now I’m content in my life, and I don’t care. The things that make me happy now are different. But I swear, you have to be born for this. It’s not for everyone. I know I can handle it.”

Yikes, we don’t think we can handle all these treatments even if we wanted too. Would you spend the coin to look like a Kardashian on the daily? 

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