Viola Davis Got Ready for the Golden Globes for Under $3

Get the scoop on her winning beauty regimen.

At last night’s Golden Globes, Viola Davis paired her custom canary yellow Michael Kors gown with the best accessory — glowing skin. She won Best Supporting Actress In A Motion Picture for her role in Fences and commandeered the stage in all her melanin glory. But even before her big win on stage, she was already winning in our eyes because of an age old beauty secret that she still swears by today. Vaseline Intensive Care Cocoa Radiant lotion, with 100% pure cocoa butter, is Viola’s  go-to!

That’s right, good old Vaseline is what kicked up the wow-factor on the actress’s entire Globes look. No sense breaking the bank over expensive creams or invasive procedures when you can pick up a bottle of this stuff for just $2.82 at Target, am I right?  The healing power of Vaseline is nothing new to Viola either. This past fall she hosted a community health fair with the Vaseline Healing Project in her hometown of Central Falls, Rhode Island, and told Yahoo! Beauty how essential the product was growing up.

“I’m an African-American so you see my dry skin. They call it ‘ash.’ We say, ‘It looks like you’ve been rolling around in some flour.’ So, I struggled because I grew up in poverty so we had to use Vaseline. It was affordable, it was readily available, and it worked wonders most importantly. And it was multipurpose. My sister used it when she burnt the whole side of her face making sugar candy — it soothed her burns. We had a lot of dry, cracked skin that ended up being cracked in our joints, and the Vaseline soothed that. And I still use it to this day on my daughter and on the bottom of my feet. It’s my go-to product,” she explained.

If you’ve been slathering your body in Vaseline since birth and still don’t have a flawless complexion like the How to Get Away With Murder star, Viola shared a few other essentials that contribute to her ash-be-gone regimen.

“What I’m doing now is I go to sleep earlier at night and I’m sleeping more, and I’m asking for more time off which has helped me exponentially. Steam helps, too. Now I have a steam shower and it helps a lot and takes out the impurities. And drinking more water — which is instrumental,” she says.

There you have it! Sleep, steam, lots  of water and Vaseline are Viola’s keys to glorious skin. Now go and get your glow on, girl.

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