Weiner Probably Thought It Couldn’t Get Any Worse—It Did

If Rep. Anthony Weiner, 46, thought the last brick of his self-inflicted political scandal had already hit him, he was in for a surprise.

If Rep. Anthony Weiner, 46, thought the last brick of his self-inflicted political scandal had already hit him, he was in for a surprise. The digerati and the political class are abuzz about an X-rated photo of the New York Democrat that he supposedly took of himself.


If that wasn’t embarrassing enough, all of this is happening while his wife, Huma Abedin, is pregnant. The couple has been married for less than a year. (Related: Politicians and Their Infidelities)


Calls for Weiner’s resignation by his Democratic colleagues from President Obama on down, as well as Republican critics, and perhaps enraged constituents in his district, will probably intensify now.


Two polls have been conducted in New York that show a split opinion about whether Weiner should go or stay in Congress. The Huffington Post reports that a survey of adults conducted by a New York television station and polling company, SurveyUSA, showed that just 41 percent thought Weiner should remain in Congress. By contrast a separate poll by Marist College and another television station reported that 51 percent of those surveyed wanted Weiner to stay a representative, and only 30 percent thought he should resign.


Over the past few days, the string of Rep. Anthony D. Weiner‘s political, and personal, life continued to unravel in public, as fellow Democrats created distance between him and themselves. The Washington Post reported that the top Senate Democrat, Nevada's Harry S. Reid, speaking about the scandal, said he'd tell Weiner to call someone else if he asked him for advice, and that "I wish there was some way I can defend him, but I can’t.”


The continuing revelations about Weiner’s illicit sexual actions have unsettled Democrats on Capitol Hill, while he has remained consistent, thus far, in refusing to resign. But resistance to Weiner’s staying in Congress is growing.


Top Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi has called for a House ethics investigation into Weiner’s actions. Next week fellow Democrats return from recess, and many may feel betrayed after listening and watching the New York Representative lie repeatedly that his Twitter account was hacked, and Republican foes are ramping up their calls for Weiner’s resignation.


The criticism of Weiner’s actions has become intense. According to a recent New York Times article, New York Democratic Rep. Nydia M. Velázquez said that she asked him, “How can you explain that somebody can be so smart but so stupid?”


In a telling recent statement that may be a harbinger, another New York Rep. Steve Israel, the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said in a press release, “Ultimately, Anthony and his constituents will make a judgment about his future.”


Weiner supposedly had interest in becoming New York City’s mayor. While he still might be interested, it is doubtful that everyday citizens in Gotham would cast their vote for him.

(Photo: Newsday/ MCT /LANDOV)

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