Messy Drama Unfolds as Zatima Drops Bombshells and Twists
On the latest episode of Zatima, Fatima breaks the news about Zac to Preston, who immediately decides to visit him. Meanwhile, Belinda spots Angela having lunch and, being her usual nosy self, joins her to fish for gossip about Zac. Angela isn’t fooled—she knows Belinda’s real motive. After all, Belinda is the one who tipped Zac off about Jeremiah’s location the night of the beatdown. Things get even messier when Belinda nonchalantly mentions that Jeremiah was “probably going to die anyway” because of his lifestyle.
Angela, rightfully annoyed, tells Belinda to leave. Just as Belinda walks out, Fatima arrives. Angela wisely keeps the Belinda drama to herself, choosing instead to focus on making sure Fatima is in a good headspace.
Later, when Preston chats with Zac, Zac makes an emotional request: he asks Preston to get all of his money from Bryce and give it to Fatima, ensuring she has everything she needs. While Preston agrees, he also suggests Zac use some of that money for his legal defense. Zac refuses, deciding to face the consequences of his actions head-on.
Later, Connie and Preston drop by to check on Fatima, and Zac calls during their visit. Fatima refuses to talk to him, but Connie and Preston pick up. During the call, Zac asks Connie to handle his mother’s burial arrangements and to speak to Fatima on his behalf. Connie agrees to try.
While Preston steps out to grab jumper cables for Connie’s car, Connie and Fatima are left alone. Connie uses the moment to encourage Fatima, reminding her that she and Zac have overcome plenty of challenges before—and that this is just another hurdle they can get through.
Fatima isn’t fully convinced, but when Connie suggests they take a ride because “something doesn’t add up,” Fatima agrees. They head to the hospital—and surprise! Jeremiah is alive, resting in his hospital bed. Fatima sums it up perfectly: “What the hell?”