Alabama Student Uncovers Racist ‘Bad A B’s’ Group Chat Among Teachers
A group chat among high school teachers in Alabama included a racial slur and jokes about a student whom they suspected to be pregnant.
A student at Ashford High School leaked a portion of the group chat titled “Bad A B’s,” which started with a teacher speaking negatively about a student named Anastasia Williams possibly being pregnant, ABC’s WDHN reports.
“I guess she mime sex?” one teacher allegedly wrote in the group chat, adding how Williams doesn’t really speak up much and isn’t the sharpest student, WDHN reports.
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Due to the nature of how the texts were leaked and possible legal ramifications associated with it, the teachers’ names have not been released publicly, WDHN reports.
The text conversation continued with other students’ sex lives discussed. Another teacher proceeded to call a former student, Preyun Snell, a racial slur, according to WDHN.
“That n***** so slow he can’t walk and chew gum,” the teacher said, WDHN reports.
The leaked portion of the conversation ended with a teacher saying she wanted to “b slap” a person known as “RK,” although it’s unclear who the person she was referring to is and whether they were a student or faculty, WDHN reports.
The student was made privy to the messages, which he later leaked to numerous people, after a teacher gave him her phone during school hours, WDHN reports.
“Two of the teachers that’s in the group chat, I can’t believe that they was actually in the group chat because I’d never think they’ll be like that, but the other ones, I think they’ll do it,” Venissa Wilson, Snell’s aunt, told WDHN.
The teacher that spoke ill about Anastasia later apologized to the girl.
“She was like she didn’t mean anything that she said or anything like that,” the girl told WDHN.
“They racist, all these folks racist,” Snell told WDHN, recalling how he had a bad experience at the school due to racial incidents in the past.
Houston County Superintendent David Sewell said an investigation is underway, WDHN reports.
But the outraged parents suggest all the messages in the chat should be made public to see if more children were mentioned. They’re also requesting that all the teachers involved should be held responsible and sanctioned for their action, WDHN reports.
Wilson added, “Y’all need to clean house with these teachers and get rid of them.”