Disgusting New Details: Stanford Rapist Brock Turner Is Even More Horrible Than You Think
The story of Stanford Student and convicted rapist Brock Turner continues to upset and anger millions of people.
The news that Turner was sentenced to a shockingly short punishment of spending a mere three to six months in jail for his crime has outraged the nation, with many stepping forward to voice their opposition and heartbreak, including Vice President Joe Biden.
Adding salt to the wound, new details have emerged that make this awful tragedy even worse.
As reported, the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office full police report reveals disgusting new details about what happened on the night in which Turner raped his victim, Emily Doe, while she was unconscious.
According to the report, Turner quite possibily photographed his victim on the night in question. A witness has stated that he or she saw a person standing over the girl's body, with his phone pointed as if he was recording video or taking photos.
“The cell phone had a bright light pointed in the direction of the female,” the police report quotes the witness saying. “Using either a flashlight app on the phone or its built in app.”
Following this, the witness claims to have gone over to the victim to make sure she was okay and tried to help her. The timeline of the report also conveys that Turner left the scene for an unspecified amount of time before returning and being caught mid-assault by Peter Jonsson and Carl-Fredrik Arndt.
The police report continues that there were group text messages sent to Turner’s phone in response to him allegedly sending a photo he took of the victim’s breast.
As reported, the details surrounding the texts and the photos taken are still being investigated. The witness was unable to positively identify who was standing over the victim taking photos, so there is a small chance it wasn’t Turner. However, if the texts are proven to have been sent by the convicted rapist, it will further prove how revoltingly dishonest he has been throughout the entire trial in regards to retelling the gory details of the night in question.
Additionally, it has also surfaced that Turner's mother, Carleen Turner, and aunt, Kelly Hopkins, also wrote to the judge begging for leniency.
"I beg of you, please don't send him to jail/prison," the mother's letter read. "Look at him. He won't survive it. He will be damaged forever and I fear he would be a major target. Stanford boy, college kid, college athlete - all the publicity. This would be a death sentence for him."
Instead of a "death sentence," her son will be serving a short period of punishment that has been met with controversy, factoring in the horrific nature of the crime he committed.