Damn: Nick Cannon’s Cruel Diss Of Kylie Jenner Actually Has The Internet Defending Her

The TV host may have went too far with this one.

Nick Cannon's hosting duties on The Wendy Williams show have received rave reviews from viewers, with many of them applauding the comedian for his effervescent energy and boldness.

However, some of them felt he took things a bit too far when he slammed Kylie Jenner by claiming she is a less deserving example of a model child than this notoriously boisterous viral sensation.

During the show's Hot Topics segment, Cannon shocked the audience when he boldly said he would rather his daughter be like "Catch Me Outside" sensation and rapper Danielle Bregoli, as opposed to Jenner.

  • (Photo by Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images for Fashion Nova)

    Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images for Fashion Nova

    (Photo by Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images for Fashion Nova)

    After showing an explosive clip from Bregoli's Snapchat show, Bringing Up Bhabie, he defended her disrespectful actions that were shown in the video.

    "I'm not mad at this," he said before the audience let out a collective gasp. "You guys may not agree with me, but I gotta keep it real. I'd rather my daughter go in this direction than go in the Kylie Jenner direction. That's just me."

    His solution to Bregoli's infamously problematic ways: "This girl [Bregoli] might have a bad mouth. She needs some guidance. She needs a whoopin'."

    When comparing her to the cosmetics entrepreneur, he continued, "At the same age, Kylie Jenner was getting plastic surgery," before pointing out that the two women actually have a lot in common.

    "She got a makeup line, [the other] got a makeup line," he added. "They're both making money off of society's exploitation of young girls and there are two different ways."

    Bringing his point home, he said he has no problem with Bregoli's "loud mouth." In fact, he would want his child to adopt that trait.

    "If I had to choose, I would want my daughter to get on out there and be a loud mouth, and talk," he said. "Then I can say it's about discipline and respect. But, when it gets to that other world that I can't control and because social media controls everything... I can fix Bhad Babie with a bad belt."

    Take a look at the clip, below:

  • To the surprise of many, viewers took to social media to defend Jenner after hearing Cannon's assessment of the two young ladies. Take a look, below:

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