This Viral Video Of Honey Boo Boo Calling People Out For Saying She's Acting Black Sparked A Heated Debate On Racial Stereotypes

"Can't believe I'm about to say this, but I agree with Honey Boo Boo."

As a child and young beauty pageant competitor, Honey Boo Boo entertained the masses with her wild family and their outrageous adventures. Well the young "Toddlers and Tiaras" star has grown up before our eyes, and she's out here dropping insight and causing debates on racial stereotypes. 

When you think of Honey Boo Boo, you may not think catalyst for in-depth discussion on ethnic representation, but here we are and here we go.

  • On the app, Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson called out people who say she acts black

    “Let me just tell y’all. Someone just told me to 'stop acting Black' in my comments,” Honey Boo Boo said in the video. 

    “Honey, the last thing I am is Black, honey. I’m white. Look at my face, hun. I’m white. White,” she added. 

    “And I want to know how the f**k you act a color. Like, oh you wake up one day and be like, ‘Hmm, let’s see. I’m going to be purple,’” she continued. “Ho, you can’t act a color. You can be a color, but you can’t act a color.”

  • Profanity and lip smacking aside, people were surprisingly here for the boo boo

  • In addition to just agreeing, some pointed out that "acting black" has been a long way stereotyping and, at times, insulting people

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  • However, others thought the 12-year-old needs to take a time out

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