John McCain's Son Has the Absolute Best Clapback for Old Navy's Haters

Ad featuring interracial couple drew anger from racists.

You tell 'em, Jack!
Arizona Senator and former Republican presidential candidate John McCain's son, Jack McCain, has opened his mouth, like so many others, to speak out against critics of a recent Old Navy ad that depicts an interracial couple. The Republican senator's son has a personal reason to speak up on the issue since he is, himself, married to a Black woman.

Here is the original ad that had racists vowing to never shop at Old Navy again.

Both Jack, and his wife, Renee Swift McCain, took to Twitter, as many other interracial couples did, to proudly show off their love. 

A beautiful couple fighting the #LoveWins fight just like thousands of other Twitter users. At a time when race is so divisive politically, a message like this is especially important.

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