This Artist's Painting of Drake Going Down on Her is Your NSFW Must See of the Day

Fake love or nah?

It’s not a secret that (bearded) Drake is the perfect package: Fine as hell and emotionally present. Like Issa Rae said on a recent episode of “Insecure,” “He just gets us.”


But now thanks to a new portrait series “A Dream Come True,” the rapper is doing what of us fantasize about when we’re under the covers: Giving us oral pleasure. 

And it's perfectly dubbed, "The Best I Ever Had."


Created by Russian Alexandra Rubinstein, the series makes a bold statement on “p___y power” and the importance of female pleasure.

“[This series] was a response to the lack of heterosexual female perspective in representation of sexuality in mainstream media and pornography ... which reiterates to the viewer that sex is about men and their pleasure. It’s not!” the 28-year-old recently told

We co-sign on that sex-positive message!

Hopefully, Rubinstein expands this series—which also includes pics of John Hamm, Leonardo DiCaprio and Ryan Gosling—to include more men of color. We'd definitely love to see Idris Elba and Micheal Ealy.


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