Jennifer Lopez Discusses Moving On From American Idol

J.Lo makes an exciting return to making music.

Jennifer Lopez has finally spoken on her departure from American Idol. Just a few days ago, it was announced that Mariah Carey would judge next season’s competition, presumably taking Lopez’s spot. J.Lo isn’t bitter though, at least from what she shared with MTV News. She’s moving on, and has learned a lot from judging on the show.

“It was a great experience to sit there and do that for a while, and I honestly feel like it was put in my life for a reason, to be part of my journey and part of my growth, because it definitely did that,” said the singer, who celebrated her 43rd birthday yesterday. “But as much as I love the show, [singing] is what I do.”

Having sold over 70 million records worldwide, the former Idol judge is currently on tour, promoting her new CD, Dance Again: The Hits. She's getting back to performing, making music and entertaining audiences, all of which have been catalysts for her career's success. Her new video, “Goin’ In,” featuring Flo Rida, premieres on MTV tonight. is your #1 source for Black celebrity news, photos, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music.

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(Photo: Frank Micelotta/PictureGroup)

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