Dwyane Wade Slams NBA Commissioner David Stern … Again
Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade is still no fan of NBA commissioner David Stern.
The two famously got into a shouting match during a negotiation session aimed at ending the lockout last month. Wade felt the commish was talking down to him and let him know it.
Wade doesn’t agree with Stern’s latest decision to cancel the first two weeks of the regular season after the players and owners failed to hash out a new collective-bargaining agreement on Monday. He went to his Twitter page to display his dislike for the decision that will cost everyday working people their wages while millionaire athletes and billionaire owners duke it out.
“STERN's "WORDS" 2day hurt the ppl who work at the AAA (American Airlines Arena),other arena's,as well as local businesses &our fans..” Wade tweeted.
Wade followed up with, “Those are the one's who are affected by STERN's "WORDS" 2day..its a Lockout-NOT a Strike..”
But the way the average fan sees it, whether a lockout or strike, it’s a fight between two sides that are way above his or her pay grade.
Contact Terrance Harris at terrancefharris@gmail.com or follow him on Twitter @Terranceharris
(Photo: Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images)