Ace Hood Claims Partner Yoga Saved His Relationship

The couple that ohms together, stays together.

Could working out with your boo be the secret to everlasting love? Ace Hood and Shelah Marie think so. 

The couple has been practicing yoga together for about a year now. Last summer, they enlisted the help of a yoga teacher who gave the couple private lessons in LA.

It doesn't seem like Ace needs ANY help staying in shape, but as he as Shelah point out, yoga is not just for your body.

Yoga is a practice of mindfulness, meditation and movement. Shelah says its changed her relationship for the better in all aspects — even in the bedroom.

“Intimacy happens in the mind first, so I think yoga helps you to become more in tune with yourself,” Shelah says. “When we’re in tune with our own selves and become more comfortable with ourselves, then you become more comfortable with your partner,” she said.

Aside from that added bonus, Shelah also said its changed the way she perceives Ace as a person.

“I think he’s so brave. I used to tell him that in the beginning, just being with a Black girl who has natural hair and not being afraid to go out and meditate, I think it’s brave for somebody in his position. He’s going to wake the game up and let them know what time it is!” she said.

Would you work out with your partner?


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