Video Of Cop On His Phone Driving Into Man Has People Hilariously Describing How They’d Cash In

"I would've been blind and crippled. The police station would've been named after me when I was done."

A police officer in Missouri has been suspended with pay after a viral video showed him drive his patrol car head on into a bicyclist who was stopped at an intersection.

Cyclist Joseph W. Fasanello has a camera mounted to his helmet when Missouri State Highway Patrol officer Charles W. Wallace, 41, drove into him. Wallace was distracted by his phone at the time of the accident, reported The Kansas City Star.

Although Fasanello only sustained minor injuries, he feared his bike was ruined.

After the incident, Fasanello posted the video to YouTube with the title, “Cop Distracted by Phone Hits Me Head On.”

In the video, the patrol SUV makes a quick turn and hits Fasanello, who accused the officer of texting while driving.

“Why were you texting?” Fasanello asked Wallace in the video.

After the hit, Wallace immediately stopped the car and got out of his vehicle to check on Fasanello.

“I wasn’t texting, I was looking at my phone,” Wallace replied in the video. “…I know, it was my bad, I wasn’t paying attention.”

Troopers from the Missouri State Highway Patrol took an accident report and administered a breathalyzer test, which Wallace passed.

Although there has been mention of a lawsuit, people on Instagram are talking about how they would have pretended to be hurt, filed a suit, and secured the bag. 

"I would stayed on the floor, let the ambulance come and Lawsuit. Lol," wrote one Instagram user. 

"Why do these situations happen to people who dont know what to do cause b***h listen im laying my a** on that ground, I got whiplash I lost vision in one eye I cant feel my tounge and suddenly I have amnesia and internal bleeding," wrote another. 

"I would've been blind and crippled. The police station would've been named after me when I was done," responded one person. 

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