Look: There's Finally an Answer for Why the Olympic Diving Pool Turned Green

As health concern questions continue to pour in.

Athletes in Rio de Janeiro for the Olympic Games finally have an answer about why the diving pool's water turned green.

According to BuzzFeed, Olympic officials announced Saturday that a contractor had mistakenly poured 160 liters of hydrogen peroxide into the diving pool.

The chemical neutralized the chlorine and allowed "organic compounds" to grow, including algae, BuzzFeed reported.

No wonder athletes were complaining that the water was hurting their eyes. Olympic officials oversaw the cleaning and draining of the diving pool over what was left of the weekend, hoping to have it ready for action soon.

“Of course it is an embarrassment because we are hosting the Olympic Games,” Mario Andrada, spokesman for the Rio Olympics, said during a press conference, as reported by the Associated Press. “We could have done better in fixing it quickly. We learned a painful lesson the hard way.”

This saga began last Tuesday, when Olympic athletes, media and fans were shocked to discover that the water in the diving pool had turned green.

Despite the discovery, Olympic officials in Rio de Janeiro ruled that the green water posed "no risk" to the divers and that they were going to investigate the matter further.

Well, that investigation resulted in the closing of the Olympic diving pool on Friday morning and its eventual cleaning Saturday.

Let's hope the divers and athletes that used the pool don't suffer any health drawbacks because of the green water.

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