Photo of Howard Students in Solidarity With Michael Brown Goes Viral
A photo of Howard University students with their hands raised in protest against the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., has been rapidly circulating the Internet since Wednesday.
More than 300 students stood in protest in Cramton Auditorium on the historically Black university’s campus, posing in the alleged stance of the unarmed 18-year-old killed last weekend.
“Howard has a history of social justice, inspiring social change,” Ikenna Ikeotuonye, one of the photos organizers, recently told TIME.
The senior explained that the shooting hit especially close to home for the Howard community when Mya White, a recent alum and St. Louis native, was reportedly shot in the head during protests in Ferguson on Tuesday. White suffered non-fatal injuries and is recovering.
“Our idea was just to organize something — but the fact that there was a Bison hurting for protesting hit close to home,” said Ikeotuonye.
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(Photo: Megan Simms via Twitter)