Allen West Slams Black Leaders for Silence on Black on White Crime

Ex-congressman Allen West accuses President Obama and others for having a double standard on crime.

Former Rep. Allen West has twice in the past couple of weeks put President Obama, members of the civil rights community and entertainers on blast for not speaking out against vicious attacks on whites as they have in the Trayvon Martin tragedy.

On Wednesday, after three "bored" teenage boys in Oklahoma killed jogger Christopher Lane, who is white and from Australia, "for the fun of it," West mocked the president's July speech in which he spoke about race from a poignant and personal perspective.

"3 black teens shoot white jogger. Who will [the president] identify w/ this time?" West posted on Twitter.

On Aug. 7, the Fox News commentator in a Facebook post sharply criticized Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson Sr. and others for staying silent after a video showing three Black teens in Florida beating up a 13-year-old white boy on a school bus was disclosed.

"Three 15-year-old Black teens beat up a 13-year-old white kid because he told school officials they tried to sell him drugs," West wrote. "Do you hear anything from Sharpton, Jackson, NAACP, Stevie Wonder, Jay Z, liberal media or Hollywood? Cat got your tongues or is that pathetic hypocrisy revealing itself again?"

"Y'all just make me sick," he added.

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(Photo: Mary Calvert / Reuters)

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