Dennis Rodman Escorted Out of NYC Hotel

Rodman was annoying patrons by flaunting his relationship with Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.

One of the strangest news stories of the week just got even stranger. 

Dennis Rodman was escorted out of a New York City hotel today after causing a ruckus at the bar. According to Page Six, Rodman annoyed hotel guests and the bartender by bellowing to anyone in earshot about his recent trip to North Korea, and what a great guy dictator Kim Jong-un is.

The NBA bad boy made waves after returning from the rogue nation, where he participated in an exhibition basketball game, and raved about the country's reviled dictator. Rodman has been playing diplomat on behalf of Kim, known for his human rights violations and for illegally developing nuclear weapons. Rodman told The Week's George Stephanopoulos upon his return that the 20-something dictator just wants President Obama to "call him."
Rodman's television appearance has been ridiculed by everyone from cable news talking heads to Secretary of State John Kerry, but that didn't stop the Worm from mouthing off about his new BFF at the restaurant bar of the Time Hotel on Sunday.
"He was at the bar at Serafina for three hours," says a spy. "He kept saying what a nice guy Kim is, and how Kim just wants to talk to President Obama about basketball. He was waving around a signed copy of the dictator’s huge manifesto, telling everyone they should read it."

Added the witness, "Dennis was making a total jerk of himself. He wouldn’t leave, and he wouldn’t let anyone talk to him about shutting up, or what an oppressive country North Korea is. Eventually he had to leave the bar because the bartender was starting to get ticked off."
We get that Rodman is trying to broker peace in the midst of a cold war between the United States and North Korea, but maybe he should just leave this one to the professionals.
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