EJ Johnson's Mom Opens Up About How She 'Struggled' With His Sexuality

She initially had a much different reaction than her husband, Magic.

EJ Johnson's mother, Cookie, recently admitted that, unlike her husband, she wasn't as instantaneously accepting of her son coming out as gay.
Speaking with Oprah in an episode of Super Soul Sunday, she explained why it was a "very hard thing" for her to come to terms with.

"That was a very hard thing for me," she said, via People. "That was a very, very hard thing for me. I tried everything, but finally I just said to myself, 'This child is innocent. He was like this when he was a baby, it can't be wrong. It can't be wrong.'"

The 57-year-old continued, saying after she prayed about it, she felt solace.

"I had to pray about it," she said. "This was one of those moments where I had to go directly to God and I prayed... and the answer I got back was love. And he said, you know, 'I give you all great gifts and the greatest of that gift is love.' And so, that's when I knew I could love my son and support him on who he was and I was okay with it."

EJ Johnson came out to the public in 2013 after walking hand-in-hand with his then boyfriend after hitting the Sunset Strip.

"I made peace with God with it," Cookie said. "So I'm good."

Watch EJ talk about society accepting his sexuality in the video, above. is your No. 1 source for Black celebrity news, photos, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music. 

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