Don Jr. Is Getting Dragged For Saying Trump Isn’t Racist Because Of All His Pictures With Rappers At The Start Of Black History Month

"I have a picture with an elephant, that don't make me a zoologist."

Although it's been a minute since Donald Trump Jr. has been slammed by people on Twitter for saying something egregious in defense of his father, the apple doesn't fall too far from the egotistical tree and no Trump can stay off the Twitter trending page for too long. This time, Don Jr. ended up on our timelines when he tried — and failed — to explain why it's impossible for his father to be a racist.

In a transcript of an exclusive interview with the Daily Caller, Donald Trump Jr. attempted to defend his father against claims of racism by saying the number one argument used by racists, but I have a Black friend.

"I see, I know him (the president), I’ve seen him my whole life. I’ve seen the things he’s done. You know it’s amazing–all the rappers, all his African American friends, from Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, have pictures with him," Trump Jr. said when asked what he thinks about his father being called a racist. 

"It was only till he got into politics that all of a sudden they say, 'Oh, he’s the most terrible human being.' Oh, I don’t know he wasn’t so terrible a couple years ago when you’re at his events. It wasn’t so terrible then when you’re hitting him up for charity dollars and he’s sponsoring things–sponsoring scholarships and doing XYZ for you guys," he added.

  • The video clip of the interview shows Donald Trump Jr. throwing out as many Black people as he can remember as anecdotal evidence

  • After word spread of Little Don's comment, people wasted no time to drag him

  • Perhaps junior is unaware that rappers and Black people cannot be used as pawns to disprove allegations of racism

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