Kanye West Attempts To Defend His Taylor Swift-Assaulting "Famous" Song

His defense has nothing to do with Taylor either...

Kanye West created a lot of controversy when he released “Famous”, a song off The Life Of Pablo, and perhaps most known for its cringe-worthy lyrics about Taylor Swift.

Swift blasted Kanye after receiving a Grammy Award for Best Album in response, putting ‘Ye defenders in quite a difficult position. And since, West hasn’t said much about the song or its lyrics. Until now.

During his set at Paradise International Music Festival in The Philippines over the weekend, Yeezy performed his most recent album for the first time and came to the defense of “Famous.”

“What I wanted you to know the whole time in the spirit of Nina Simone, in the spirit of real artists, this is the song that broke the writer’s block for me because it’s something I wanted to say so bad that they told me I couldn’t say,” he told the crowd. “That night when I went onstage was the beginning of the end of my life. Lady Gaga canceled the tour the next day. You know what night I’m talking about. When I just said what everybody else was thinking. So if I get in trouble for saying the truth, what’s being said the rest of the time?”

Also during his set, ‘Ye shouted out Wiz Khalifa who performed before him. The two had a brief beef stint earlier this year, but it’s since been squashed.

Check out Kanye West defending “Famous” below. is your No. 1 source for Black celebrity news, photos, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music.

(Photo: Kevin Winter/Getty Images for iHeartMedia)

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