The Michael Jackson Motorcycles

A Laud on Wheels to the King of Pop.

Prince Michael, Paris and Prince Michael II (Blanket) will be riding in style, as soon as they are old enough to ride, that is. The Jackson siblings caught a glimpse of what TMZ calls the coolest Michael Jackson memorial yet -- a pair of custom made motorcycles. They each depict the King of Pop in different stages of his career. Paris tweeted pictures of the bikes.
A side view of the bike shows Jackson in various poses, reports From front to end in every available space, Jackson’s face is shown with one shot of the singer in his trademark sunglasses, while in another shot he strikes a more regal pose. The front view of the cycle, using the windshield visor as a canvas, shows Jackson in his younger Jackson 5 days, with an image of the king sitting in what appears to be a throne. His recognizable afro marks the historic time of the photos.
Will more of these hot wheels be available? No word yet. Looks like the Jackson children may have the only pair in the world right now. The gift of the bikes comes just days before the two year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death, which is this weekend, June 25. 

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