
Will the Real Rick Santorum Please Stand Up?

Santorum has in the past supported Black communities.
A Halt to Rising Foreclosures - Melanie Campbell says, "Studies show that African-Americans have suffered disproportionately from foreclosures due to racially discriminatory lending practices. It’s time we slow this downward slide.” \r(Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Homeowners, Advocacy Groups and Lawmakers Join Fight to Fire Federal Housing Chief

Lawmakers say the housing chief must provide more aid.

Concerns At Home and Abroad Top Presidential Presser

President Obama addressing housing and security concerns.
Manage Debt

Have You Fallen Victim to Debt Collectors?

They may soon be subject to federal supervision.

Black Homeowners Could Greatly Benefit From Foreclosure Settlement

The foreclosure deal could help Black communities rebound.
Landmark Foreclosure Fraud Settlement Announced - Federal and state officials announced Thursday a $26 billion settlement with five major banks over fraudulent foreclosure practices, such as submitting falsely notarized court documents and robo-signing foreclosure documents. At least $10 billion will be used to help borrowers reduce their loan balances.(Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Landmark Foreclosure Fraud Settlement Announced

The $26 billion deal could help two million borrowers.

Rev. Jesse Jackson Warns of the Dangers of Disrespecting Obama

Jackson believes verbal attacks could lead to violence.
Study Finds U.S. Cities Less Segregated  - A new study from the Manhattan Institute has found that American neighborhoods have become significantly less segregated in the past century. All-white neighborhoods “are effectively extinct,” it found, and the proportion of African-Americans living in so-called “ghettos,” where 80 percent or more of the population is Black, has shrunk to 20 percent.(Photo: Matt Nager/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Study Finds U.S. Cities Less Segregated

Despite less segregation, economic disparities persist.

Blacks Face Discrimination When Filing for Bankruptcy

A new study says Black debtors are being unfairly advised.

Black Leaders Respond to the State of the Union

Leaders applaud Obama for addressing income inequality.