Derrick Johnson

Charles Barkley Threatens To Punch Black People Wearing Donald Trump Mug Shot Shirts

The Basketball Hall of Famer did not mince words when it comes to his views about Black people supporting the former president.

NAACP To Move Its Headquarters To Washington D.C.

The nation’s oldest civil rights organization has called Baltimore home since 1986

NAACP Urging 'Extreme Caution' For Visitors To Louisiana

Several bills targeting LGBTQ people are currently being considered at the Louisiana state legislature.

NAACP President Says That Debt Ceiling Deal 'Misses The Mark' for Black Americans

“The well-being of Black Americans and vulnerable people should never be negotiated,” NAACP President & CEO Derrick Johnson said.

NAACP Issues Warning That Debt Ceiling Impasse Could Negatively Impact Black People

President Derrick Johnson said that recent “proposals are designed to play on racist stereotypes masquerading as sound policy.”
NAACP, Derrick Johnson , Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY)

OPINION: NAACP President Derrick Johnson And Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Call For Biden To Finally Put An End To Student Loan Debt

In an exclusive Op/Ed, the two leaders explain why they want the President to cancel the tremendous financial burden that weighs so heavily on Black borrowers.

NAACP President ‘Outraged’ By Report Of AT&T Financially Supporting Right-Wing Network OAN

The platform purportedly spreads conspiracy theories.