
Whoa: Cardi B Is Reportedly Receiving Death Threats Over This Picture

It's gotten out of hand...

Kendrick Lamar Promotes Peace Between Gangs With New Sneaker

The rapper's Reebok collaboration drops July 18.

Crips and Bloods Find Common Ground in Occupy Movement

Gang rivals set aside differences to join Atlanta protest.
FBI Probed in Racial Profiling Case - The American Civil Liberties Union is suing the FBI for allegedly using unconstitutional practices to gain information about certain racial and ethnic groups. Specifically, the ACLU is looking into the FBI's use of the Domestic Intelligence Operations Guide, which they believe may have been used to investigate people and businesses in Michigan considered "ethnic-oriented," writes a Michigan public radio station.(Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images)

FBI Says Gangs Use Rap to Launder Money, Recruit Members

New report discusses hip hop's alleged criminal connections.