
Scores Dead After Boat Sinks

At Least 94 Dead in Migrant Shipwreck Off Italy

The passengers were from Ghana, Eritrea and Somalia.

Commentary: The New "Reverse Migration" May Change the South

Blacks leaving the North could change politics in the South.

All Politics is Local, and in Chicago It Is More So

Black aldermen hope to keep seats in a changing Chicago.
Latinos Taking Over Cities - Latinos now outnumber African-Americans in most of the nation’s metropolitan areas, according to Census figures. The nation’s Latino population grew 42 percent over the last 10 years, and much of that growth was in cities that whites and Blacks previously dominated. (Photo: iStockphoto.com)

Black Migration and Demographic Shifts Are Impacting Political Maps

Minority coalitions can advance their political power.
More Black Kids Live in the Suburbs - The number and percentage of Black children living in big cities like Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, New York, Los Angeles and New Orleans (amongst others) have been declining for years. Several factors, like increased birth control, could be at play, but demographers also point to the fact that more young African-American couples have moved to the suburbs, for the usual reasons: more space, better schools and greater tranquility.(Photo: AP/ASSOCIATED PRESS) 

Where Have the Black Kids Gone? To the Suburbs.

Demographers think that more Black kids are in the suburbs.
More African-Americans Moving South - In a reversal of a trend that took place decades ago, African-Americans are moving to the South in droves, lured by increasing economic opportunities. A recent Queens College study showed that according to census data, roughly 17 percent of the Blacks that moved to the South in the last 10 years came from New York state.(Photo: Carlos Barria/Landov)

More African-Americans Are Heading South

In a reverse Great Migration, Blacks move North to South.

Census Shows More Blacks Heading South

In what could be called the Northeast’s “Black flight,” African Americans are fleeing big northern cities for Southern metropolises in droves, according to numbers from 2009’s census estimates.