Meet the Press

Not Seeing Things: Does Meet the Press

Artist debates GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz on Meet the Press.

Tavis Smiley: Obama's Trayvon Speech Was "Weak as Kool-Aid"

Smiley slams Obama's speech about Trayvon Martin.
Cory Booker - “Here they are plucking sound bites out of the [Meet the Press] interview to manipulate them in a cynical manner, to use them for their own purposes,” Booker said in an interview on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show responding to the Republican National Committee’s petition drive. "That slogan had me and my entire staff really fit to be tied.”  (Photo: Courtesy MSNBC)

Cory Booker Continues to Feel the "Bain" of Mitt Romney’s Experience

Mayor Cory Booker doesn't appreciate being a GOP slogan.