laurent gbagbo

ICC Weighs Evidence Against Ex-Ivory Coast President Gbagbo

Gbagbo's defense says he should be tried on home turf.
Ex-Ivory Coast President Faces Rape and Murder Charges - Former Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo was taken into custody at the International Criminal Court Wednesday, where he will face charges of crimes against humanity including murder and rape, stemming from his involvement in fueling post-election violence.\r \r(Photo: EPA/NIC BOTHMA /LANDOV)

International Criminal Court Says Ivory Coast's Gbagbo Fit for Trial

Gbagbo faces charges of crimes against humanity.
Ex-Ivory Coast President Faces Rape and Murder Charges - Former Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo was taken into custody at the International Criminal Court Wednesday, where he will face charges of crimes against humanity including murder and rape, stemming from his involvement in fueling post-election violence.\r \r(Photo: EPA/NIC BOTHMA /LANDOV)

Ex-Ivory Coast President Faces Rape and Murder Charges

The ICC says Gbagbo committed crimes against humanity.
Captured - Ivory Coast ex-president Laurent Gbagbo and his wife Simone were arrested Monday after forces stormed the presidential palace, where he clung on to power despite losing the election to Alassane Ouattara in December. Gbagbo's capture ends a period of uncertainty that put the African nation on the brink of disaster.  (Photo: AP Photo/Aristide Bodegla)

Ivory Coast's Ex-President Charged with Theft

Ex-leader Laurent Gbagbo allegedly embezzled public funds.

Ivory Coast: More of Gbagbo's Arsenal Found

Crates of ammunition were found at the presidential palace.

Ivory Coast President: Strongman Will Face Charges

Ouattara asks fighters to lay down their weapons.

Ivory Coast Nightmare May Be Coming to an End

Should the U.S. have done more to stop the bloodshed?