sexual health

A Comprehensive Guide to Your Vagina in Your 20s, 30s, 40s and Beyond

Yes, your vagina gets old too!
Blacks Still Rank Highest in HIV Infections - 2011 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that Blacks still rank highest among racial groups in the U.S. infected with the HIV virus. The CDC estimates show that, although African-Americans compose 14 percent of the total U.S. population, Blacks accounted for 44 percent (21,200) of all new HIV infections in 2009 — a rate almost eight times as high as that of whites.(Photo: Stephen Chernin/Getty Images)

Commentary: Young Black Men, Please Take Your Sexual Health Seriously

Getting tested for HIV and STDs is not just a female thing.
Close up of mother and daughter hugging

Raising Empowered Girls: Talk Early, Talk Often

Getting your daughter to take her sexual health seriously.
couple kissing in bed

New Partner? 8 Things to Know Before Sex

Open communication about sexual past is key.

Health Hero: Brittany Mostiller Educates About Reproductive Justice

Mostiller advocates for access to abortion.

Commentary: What President Romney Could Mean for Black Female Reproductive Health

Romney's stance on sexual health won't win him Black women.
CDC: There Are 20 Million New STD Infections a Year

Can Better Communication Reduce STD Rates Among Black Youth?

Yes, if more adults would address sexual health directly.
Girl texting

An App for Tracking Your Sexual Health

Tech2Go: With Chec-Mate, quickly share your HIV status.