
Boo! Oklahoma Man Thinks Obama Halloween Tombstone Is Funny

His neighbor says the decoration sends the wrong message.

Colin Powell Hits GOP on Voter ID Laws

Powell says GOP should make it easier for people to vote.
Keeping It Real

Colin Powell Says the GOP Looks Down on Minorities

Powell chides the GOP for being intolerant.

Anti-Obama Rhetoric Hits New Low

Right-winger sends DVD trashing Obama's mother to voters.
Keith Boykin, Best of 2012

Commentary: Let's Talk About Who's Really More American

The attacks on Obama are a distraction from real issues.

U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Birther Appeal

A birther lawsuit has been rejected for a second time.
President Obama Takes Digs at Donald Trump - As Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney recently hosted a fundraiser with Donald Trump, who has very publicly denounced President Obama’s American citizenship, it appears the president has figured out the only way to beat the naysayers is to join in on the game. “You and I can't tell them how to run their campaign. But we can make sure it is a losing one,” the president said in an email to his supporters on May 31 before signing off with an “Aloha,” a reference to his home state of Hawaii. (Photos from left: Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images,  Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images)

Obama Uses Donald Trump in Appeal to Donors

Obama uses birther issue to raise campaign cash.

Commentary: Sheriff Arpaio Has a Problem


Commentary: Mitt Romney Gambles at the Trump Casino

Romney should stay away from Trump and all his money.