stanford university

Looking Back At Martin Luther King’s ‘The Other America’ Speech At Stanford

MLK Day is an appropriate time to address the rampant injustices that continue to define our nation and our world.

Two Stanford Students File First Class-Action Suit Against Yale, USC And Other Colleges In College Admissions Scandal

They also accused the schools of devaluing their degrees.

White Anchors Get Dragged For Calling Black Teen Who Got Accepted To 20 Top Colleges 'Obnoxious'

"You owe Michael Brown an apology."

Details on Why the Judge in the Brock Turner Sexual Assault Case Was Cleared of Misconduct

People are on Twitter and IG expressing their disgust.

Look: Brock Turner Officially Registers as Sex Offender

Here are the details.

Disgusting: Brock Turner Out of Jail After Serving Only Half of His Six-Month Sentence

White male privilege in action.

Tyra Banks Will Teach Class at Stanford University

The supermodel will lecture on personal branding.
More Marijuana Arrests Than Violent Crime Arrests

Study: Whites Support Harsher Criminal Laws If They Think More Black People Are Arrested

"Numbers don't always speak for themselves," says author.

In Detroit, a Charter School Reflects Promise — and Challenges

Detroit charter schools are increasing enrollment.