Sit Down, Be Humble: Kimora Lee Simmons Teaches Aoki A Lesson In Humility After Her Harvard Acceptance

The college-bound teen shared a personal essay on Instagram.

Aoki Lee Simmons has got beauty and brains and has shown this to the whole world. But after basking a little too much in the glow of her Harvard acceptance, her mom and dad had to knock her down a few pegs.

The youngest daughter of Kimora Lee Simmons and Russell Simmons is one smart cookie. At just 16 years old, Aoki has been open about the highs and lows of her college admissions process as she was set on attending an Ivy League school.

After revealing that she gained early acceptance into Harvard, she and the entire Simmons family humble bragged all over the ‘gram

But her mom decided the time for bragging was over. Check out what Aoki had to say about her lesson in humility:


In the post, Aoki explains that after Kimora told her to chill out about her Harvard acceptance, Aoki had a legit fit. She even accused her mom of being jealous. Yikes!

She then went to Russell, who she says is usually on her side. But in a surprising turn, her dad agreed with her mom and basically said: “Sit down, be humble.”

In the post, Aoki went on to explain that in a world consumed with social media, being humble isn’t the most fun or easiest thing to do. Aoki even noted that just months before, she was on the other side of it all when her friend got into Yale and she got wait-listed.

Sometimes as Black people, we are used to being overzealous and boisterous about our wins. Especially since they come after a series of trials and tribulations, whatever your tax bracket may be. But as Kimora told Aoki, bragging too much can attract an evil eye. We're glad that Aoki learned from her mistakes and took her mom's lesson in stride!


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