The Dos and Don’ts of Writing A Cover Letter

Tips on how to make your cover letter stand out.

CON: Your Job Might Not Care About Your Wisdom - Your employer might not care at all that you just toiled away for three years to earn another degree. You could be forced to look for employment outside your company to get ahead.  (Photo: Sean De Burca/Corbis)
Range Your Options - Once you've figured out who he is and what he likes, make a thoughtful wish list for him. Vary your items from your boldest idea to your safest bet, and then narrow it down to your top five picks. If you're having trouble chopping your list, use your budget as an indicator of what you're realistically prepared to do. (Photo: Peathegee Inc/Getty Images)
DO be brief.  - Though you will likely be sending it via email, do not make your cover any longer than what would fit on one sheet if you printed it out. (Photo: Stefan Rupp/Westend61/Corbis)Make Nice With Your Boss - Y’all don’t need to be besties, but setting a regular time to meet semi-casually is a solid way to invest in your relationship. A standing monthly lunch is a great place to start.  (Photo: Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images)

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Level Up. - If you’re in the market for a new job, there’s no escaping the dreaded cover letter, and with good reason—they are a good place to show potential employers a side of your work history that can’t be glimpsed on your resume, whether that’s why you left a dream job after just six months or how your past experiences as a customer service rep qualify you for a gig in film production. Read on for tips on how to make your cover letter stand out. By Kenrya Rankin Naasel (Photo: Sean De Burca/Corbis)