How to Establish Yourself as an Expert in Your Field

Make a name for yourself outside of your company.

Like a Boss - You’re kicking butt at work and on the fast track to running your own enterprise one day. You can speed up the process by making a name for yourself outside of your company. Follow these tips to make yourself an authority in your area of expertise. By Kenrya Rankin Naasel   (Photo: Hero Images/Corbis)

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Like a Boss - You’re kicking butt at work and on the fast track to running your own enterprise one day. You can speed up the process by making a name for yourself outside of your company. Follow these tips to make yourself an authority in your area of expertise. By Kenrya Rankin Naasel  (Photo: Hero Images/Corbis)


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Master a Topic or Skill


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Start a Website and Blog

PRO: You Will Deepen Your Knowledge - Besides the satisfaction that comes from learning and thriving, you’ll also gain a deeper, theory-based understanding of the strategies that you use at work. That could make you better at your job and even open new avenues for your career, such as education and research.  (Photo: Simon Jarratt/Corbis)

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Take Leadership in an Industry Organization

Teach a Class - Do you know everything there is to know about photography or jewelry making or ghostwriting? Teach a class at a local or online school and boost your cred.  (Photo: Hero Images/Hero Images/Corbis)

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Teach a Class


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Write a Book


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Collect Recommendations and Testimonials

Give Speeches - Start by creating a list of every industry-related topic you are well versed enough about to speak for 30 minutes, then create talks and workshops that you can deliver — for free at first at conferences and conventions. Once you have some practice, consider joining a speaker’s bureau, which will help connect you with opportunities.   (Photo: Dave and Les Jacobs/Blend Images)

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Give Speeches