Dating Diaries: 10 Signs of a Healthy Relationship

Do you and your bae have a good thing?

February Is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month - This month marks Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month — an issue that impacts too many African-American young people. In order to be in a healthy relationship, you have to know what it looks like. Here are some signs that your bae respects you and your relationship. —Kellee Terrell (Photo: Cavan Images/Cavan Images/Corbis)
You Both Give Each Other Space - Yes, during those early days of love, you want to spend every minute with your boo, but we all know that being together all the time can be a strain or a sign of control. A healthy relationship is one where you both have space to explore relationships, not just with each other, but their friends and families, too.  (Photo: Boone Rodriguez/Masterfile/Corbis)
You Respect Each Other’s Sexual Boundaries - From wearing condoms to getting tested for HIV/AIDS and STDs to having consensual sex, a healthy relationship is one where there is a mutual respect when it comes to sex and protecting each other.  (Photo: Wavebreak Media LTD/Wavebreak Media Ltd./Corbis)Try to Not Be Bitter  - Even if it’s super tempting, please try not to be sarcastic and remind him that he is a cruel jerk who couldn’t leave it in his pants while you two were together. You are the better person, so try to act like it. And if you can’t, hey you tried! We get it.  (Photo: Carey Kirkella/GettyImages)

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February Is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month - This month marks Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month — an issue that impacts too many African-American young people. In order to be in a healthy relationship, you have to know what it looks like. Here are some signs that your bae respects you and your relationship. —Kellee Terrell (Photo: Cavan Images/Cavan Images/Corbis)