On the Trail: Sept. 27

Perry’s star fades as Cain’s rises; whither Bachmann?

Barack Obama - President Obama is holding seven fundraisers on the West Coast this week. The Associated Press reports that his campaign has set a goal of $55 million for the current quarter, which ends on Sept. 30.(Photo: AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

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Barack Obama - President Obama is holding seven fundraisers on the West Coast this week. The Associated Press reports that his campaign has set a goal of $55 million for the current quarter, which ends on Sept. 30.(Photo: AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Michele Bachmann - Rep. Michele Bachmann’s star continues to fade. The Minnesota lawmaker finished last in a key Florida straw poll, with 1.5 percent of the vote.(Photo: AP Photo/Joe Burbank, Pool)

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Michele Bachmann - Rep. Michele Bachmann’s star continues to fade. The Minnesota lawmaker finished last in a key Florida straw poll, with 1.5 percent of the vote.(Photo: AP Photo/Joe Burbank, Pool)

Herman Cain - Herman Cain continues to bask in the glow of his big win in the Florida straw poll. His big test will be whether he can use the momentum to strengthen his campaign’s fundraising and infrastructure.(Photo: AP Photo/John Raoux)

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Herman Cain - Herman Cain continues to bask in the glow of his big win in the Florida straw poll. His big test will be whether he can use the momentum to strengthen his campaign’s fundraising and infrastructure.(Photo: AP Photo/John Raoux)

Newt Gingrich - Newt Gingrich knows he faces an uphill battle to win the GOP presidential nomination, but believes that his recent debate performances have given his campaign new life. Gingrich told the Des Moines Register that he has received more donations in the last month than in the previous three combined. And though the “elite media” may discount him, he said that his experience and solutions will help resurrect his campaign.(Photo: AP Photo/John Raoux)

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Newt Gingrich - Newt Gingrich picked up Monday the endorsement of Judson Phillips, founder of the Tea Party Nation. Phillips said Gingrich is “the big idea man, much as Ronald Reagan was,” CNN reports.(Photo: AP Photo/John Raoux)

Jon Huntsman - Jon Huntsman is moving up in the polls in New Hampshire, an important early primary state, from two to ten percent. According to a CBS News report, Huntsman believes the increase is an indication that he’s no longer a “margin-of-error candidate.”(Photo: AP Photo/Cheryl Senter)

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Jon Huntsman - Jon Huntsman is moving up in the polls in New Hampshire, an important early primary state, from two to ten percent. According to a CBS News report, Huntsman believes the increase is an indication that he’s no longer a “margin-of-error candidate.”(Photo: AP Photo/Cheryl Senter)

Mitt Romney - Rick Perry’s loss is Mitt Romney’s gain. Although Romney has been in second place since Perry’s entry into the race, he’s the one who’s looking the most presidential, running a tight and well-organized campaign.(Photo: AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)

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Mitt Romney - Rick Perry’s loss is Mitt Romney’s gain. Although Romney has been in second place since Perry’s entry into the race, he’s the one who’s looking the most presidential, running a tight and well-organized campaign.(Photo: AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)

Rick Perry - After a terrible performance in the Sept. 23 Republican presidential debate, political observers are wondering if Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s five-week-old campaign has already lost its steam. He “threw up all over himself,” is a common description of how poorly he did.(Photo: AP Photo/Carlos Osorio, File)

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Rick Perry - After a terrible performance in the Sept. 23 Republican presidential debate, political observers are wondering if Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s five-week-old campaign has already lost its steam. He “threw up all over himself,” is a common description of how poorly he did.(Photo: AP Photo/Carlos Osorio, File)

Ron Paul - Rep. Ron Paul, who garnered 10.4 percent of the vote in the Florida straw poll on Sept. 24, has received an endorsement from New Jersey state Sen. Michael Doherty.(Photo: AP Photo/Joe Burbank, Pool)

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Ron Paul - Rep. Ron Paul, who garnered 10.4 percent of the vote in the Florida straw poll on Sept. 24, has received an endorsement from New Jersey state Sen. Michael Doherty.(Photo: AP Photo/Joe Burbank, Pool)

Rick Santorum - Rick Santorum generated just 1 percent of support in the latest New York Times/CBS News poll, down two percentage polls from earlier in the month, but in the same position as mid-September.(Photo: AP Photo/Joe Burbank, Pool)

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Rick Santorum - Rick Santorum is spending a lot of time in Iowa, and acknowledges it’s a state he needs to win. It won’t be easy. During a campaign stop there on Sunday, the chair of the local Republican Party asked the former Pennsylvania senator, “What are you running for?”(Photo: AP Photo/Joe Burbank, Pool)