10 Scenes From NYC's Pride Parade

Revelers celebrate 43 years of LGBT pride in New York.

A March Down to the Village - Parade participants began lining up at 36th Street and Fifth Avenue. The event kicked off at 12 p.m. and marchers proceeded downtown to Christopher and Greenwich Streets. (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
43 Years of Pride - Thousands watched the floats drive down Fifth Avenue in the parade's 43rd year. (Photo: Andrew Burton/Getty Images)Rainbow Flags Fill Streets - Rainbow flags were popularized as a symbol for LGBT pride by San Francisco artist Gilbert Baker in 1978. Some attendees were creative in how they wore their flag, such as the man above, who donned the fabric as a hat.  (Photo: Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

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Celebration on Heels of Historic Ruling - Revelers gathered and waved their rainbow flags in New York City on June 30 for the annual Pride Parade. There was much to celebrate this year as the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on a decision which allows married same-sex couples to have the same federal benefits as straight couples. View 10 scenes from the parade.  — Natelege Whaley(Photo: Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

Photo By Photo: Andrew Burton/Getty Images