Episode 201 Recap: People in Glass Houses Shouldn't Throw Fish
Mary Jane realizes that she's still in love with David.
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Dinner and Debate - Mary Jane and Kara join the spirited discussion about Black people making progress in America over dinner and wine at MJ's place. (Photo: BET)
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Walter Mosley's Prose - That moment your smart friend breaks out Walter Mosley at a dinner party. (Photo: BET)
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PJ Throws a Curve Ball - Things start to go left when P.J. shows up after Mary Jane has been drinking for a minute and they get into a heated debate. P.J. then pulls the "That's why David don't want you" card. (Photo: BET)
Photo By Photo: BET
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Burned! - That face you make when someone pulls your card. (Photo: BET)
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Scapegoating - That face you make when you're a therapist and you know someone is trying to scapegoat you because their feelings got hurt. Basically, Mary Jane tried it by attacking Valerie for being proud of her wife and mother status.
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Stalker Much? - Mary Jane thought it was cool to pretend to want to spend quality time with Valerie just so she could try to get information on what's going on with David. Valerie remained mum on the situation. (Photo: BET)
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Niecy and Helen - Meanwhile, Niecy has a falling out with her grandmother and ends up going to Mary Jane's with her kids to cool off for a while. (Photo: BET)
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Kara Speaks the Gospel - Unable to keep her mind off David, Mary Jane consults with Kara about what she should do. Ever the smart friend, Kara tells her to never dip into "archival penis."(Photo: BET)
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When Mary Jane Has a Goal... - When MJ is determined to do something, she gets it done, even if it means invading Valerie and Chris's family time to get the goods on David. (Photo: BET)
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Chris Bosses Up - MJ wasn't prepared for Chris to force her to put on her big girl panties. He called David and put her on the spot. Finally, she discovers that Ana is pregnant. (Photo: BET)