Be Easy: 8 Reasons to Take a Break From Drinking

There are many health benefits in giving up alcohol.

Sober Up - Having after work cocktails or unlimited mimosas at brunch has become a fixture on our weekly social calendars. But drinking a lot can have some negative effects on your health. So whether you are a moderate or a binge drinker, here are some great reasons to fall back for a minute. By Kellee Terrell  (Photo: Randy Faris/Corbis)

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Sober Up - Having after work cocktails or unlimited mimosas at brunch has become a fixture on our weekly social calendars. But drinking a lot can have some negative effects on your health. So whether you are a moderate or a binge drinker, here are some great reasons to fall back for a minute. By Kellee Terrell (Photo: Randy Faris/Corbis)


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Slash Your Risk of Breast Cancer - Mounds of research shows that the more alcohol we consume, the greater our risk is for developing breast cancer. Alcohol increases estrogen levels (female hormones) and other hormones associated with this form of cancer. (Photo: Keith Brofsky/GettyImages)


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Lose Weight - Alcohol, while yummy, can carry a lot of empty calories that can add up over time.  So one way to jumpstart your weight loss plan is to the put the liquor down. (Photo: Getty Images/Image Source)

Choosing the Right Shade - Have you been feeling a little blue lately? Perhaps your home décor is to blame! Certain hues can trigger emotional responses depending on the dullness or brightness of the room color. It can contribute to your creativity, alter your mood or affect your well-being.  But before you start working on that room makeover, let’s take a deeper look at which colors can possibly bring out the best or worst in your mood. By Dontaira Terrell (Photo: Image Source/Corbis)

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No More Hangovers - Real talk: hangovers can really suck. And the older you get, the longer it takes to get over them. By laying off the booze, you’ll find yourself being more productive and not stuck in bed all day.(Photo: Image Source/Corbis)

Sleep on Your Back - Slumbering on your side or stomach may be good for preserving your hair, but it’s hell on your face. Why? Pressing it into a pillow all night can cause fine lines. Seriously — turn over.  (Photo: Stuart O'Sullivan/Getty Images)

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Sleep Better - There seems to be this misconception that being drunk helps you sleep better, but that’s not really true. Drinking can interrupt your sleep cycle and make it harder to sleep through the night. (Photo: Stuart O'Sullivan/Getty Images)


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Your Liver Will Thank You - Excessive and even consistent moderate drinking can lead to liver and digestive tract issues, ulcers, pancreatitis and even cirrhosis. Give your liver, the organ that helps flush out the toxins in your body, a rest.(Photo: i love images/Getty Images)

Photo By i love images/Getty Images

Stop Smoking  - Even lighting up “only at the bar” is enough to cause wrinkles around your mouth, bags under your eyes, and overall acceleration of the aging process. Step away from the cigarettes.  (Photo: Bruno Vincent/Getty Images)

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You'll Smoke Less - Some of us may only smoke when we drink. So by cutting back on drinking, this means less nicotine in our body. By not smoking, you reduce your risk of lung cancer and other chronic diseases. (Photo: Bruno Vincent/Getty Images)

You Reduce Your Chance of Having Unprotected Sex - Being under the influence can lower our inhibitions and usher in riskier sexual behavior because you are not thinking as clearly. By not getting drunk, you are lowering your risk of STDs and HIV.(Photo: Adamsmith/Getty Images)

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You Reduce Your Chance of Having Unprotected Sex - Being under the influence can lower our inhibitions and usher in riskier sexual behavior because you are not thinking as clearly. By not getting drunk, you are lowering your risk of STDs and HIV.(Photo: Adamsmith/Getty Images)

You Can Deal With Your Drama - Sometimes we drink to numb ourselves from our issues. Being sober can be overwhelming, but you will be in the mindset to move forward and get the emotional help you may need.  (Photo: JOSE LUIS PELAEZ, INC./Image Source/Corbis)

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You Can Deal With Your Drama - Sometimes we drink to numb ourselves from our issues. Being sober can be overwhelming, but you will be in the mindset to move forward and get the emotional help you may need. (Photo: JOSE LUIS PELAEZ, INC./Image Source/Corbis)

You Will More Clearly Understand Your Limit - After taking a break from drinking for a month or so, your tolerance level has lowered. If you do decide to drink, remember to pay attention to your body and its limits.  If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration online for resources or call the National Substance Abuse Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).(Photo: Laura Doss/Image Source/Corbis)

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You Will More Clearly Understand Your Limit - After taking a break from drinking for a month or so, your tolerance level has lowered. If you do decide to drink, remember to pay attention to your body and its limits. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration online for resources or call the National Substance Abuse Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).(Photo: Laura Doss/Image Source/Corbis)