5 Times Mary Jane Put Her Family Before Everything Else

Mary Jane knows how to pause for family.

The Realest Father-Daughter Moment You Ever Did See!  - Mary Jane judges Niecy for having a child at such a young age. Her father suggests that she stops judging Niecy. Mary Jane then lets her father know that she had an abortion.BMJ Season 3 Episode 7 (Photo: BET)
Mary Jane Finds Out About Her Mother - Mary Jane comes home to Patrick making a soup to help his mother and PJ home. They're all here to see and help their mother; Mary Jane soon assumes her role as a daughter and helps out. Mary Jane(Photo: BET)
Lisa's Family Was Like Extended Family to Mary Jane - Mary Jane took on the responsibility of helping to plan Lisa's funeral, though she had her own personal problems to handle. She valued Lisa's family just like her own. (Photo: BET)Mary Jane Helps Niecy With Her Resume - Mary Jane takes a moment to help Niecy get her resume together as well as challenge her thinking when it comes to her job search.(Photo: BET)

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Mary Jane Gives Tough Love - Mary Jane gave Niecy some tough love after she went and blew half of her paycheck. But sometimes it's important to keep it honest with your family. (Photo: BET)

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