Benghazi Breakdown

Get the facts about what’s at stake in the Libya fallout.

Rice Under Pressure   - Republican lawmakers are taking aim at U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and the talking points she used to explain the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Get the facts about what went down and what’s at stake for Rice and the Obama administration. — Naeesa Aziz (Photo: Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
Apology Not Accepted - Admitting that she misled the American people on Benghazi, Rice met with a cohort of her biggest critics including Sen. John McCain in an attempt to smooth things over, but the gesture failed to ease the mounting tension.  (Photo: AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
What Set Off the Violence? - After a movie by Israeli-American filmmaker Sam Bacile was translated into Arabic, news of its controversial message spread quickly over the Internet and sparked extreme anger. The film depicts Islam's Prophet Muhammad having sex, talking about killing children and refers to a donkey as "the first Muslim animal." (Photo: REUTERS/Esam Al-Fetori)Republicans Exploit Benghazi, Libya, Attack - After a tragic attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya, left four Americans dead, GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney and other Republicans launched into an unseemly and misdirected attack against President Obama and his U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice. Unfortunately, Rice withdrew her name  from consideration to succeed Hillary Clinton as secretary of state. Meanwhile, Gen. David Petraeus, caught up in a sex scandal that forced him to resign from the CIA, escaped culpability for the CIA's intelligence failure in Benghazi.  (Photo: Reuters/Esam Al-Fetori)

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Rice Under Pressure - Republican lawmakers are taking aim at U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and the talking points she used to explain the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Get the facts about what went down and what’s at stake for Rice and the Obama administration. — Naeesa Aziz (Photo: Andrew Burton/Getty Images)