#MoveForward: 9 Ways to Rid Yourself of Emotional Baggage

Don’t make new dude pay for old dude’s mistakes.

Don’t Let Your Past Ruin Your Future - Everyone has been hurt before in the past — some of us more than others. But we all know that past stuff doesn’t always stay in the past. Sometimes, we carry that hurt and mistrust into the next relationship, which can ruin it. Let us help you work on keeping that baggage out of your way so you can be happy. By Kellee Terrell(Photo: JGI/Jamie Grill/Blend Images/Corbis)

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Don’t Let Your Past Ruin Your Future - Everyone has been hurt before in the past — some of us more than others. But we all know that past stuff doesn’t always stay in the past. Sometimes, we carry that hurt and mistrust into the next relationship, which can ruin it. Let us help you work on keeping that baggage out of your way so you can be happy. By Kellee Terrell(Photo: JGI/Jamie Grill/Blend Images/Corbis)

Stop Owning What’s Not Yours - He cheated on you? Played you? Talked crazy to you? You can’t control how people are going to treat you, so don’t internalize that all guys are like that or it’s your fault. Just recognize that next time when you see the signs, you will bounce much sooner and not invest so much of yourself and time into someone who doesn’t deserve you. (Photo: Wavebreak Media Ltd./Corbis)

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Stop Owning What’s Not Yours - He cheated on you? Played you? Talked crazy to you? You can’t control how people are going to treat you, so don’t internalize that all guys are like that or it’s your fault. Just recognize that next time when you see the signs, you will bounce much sooner and not invest so much of yourself and time into someone who doesn’t deserve you. (Photo: Wavebreak Media Ltd./Corbis)

Recognize Your Sh*t - The first and hardest step in dealing with your baggage is actually admitting that it exists. No one really wants to revisit past mistreatment, whether from an ex, friends or family members. It can be painful, but you will be a stronger person for recognizing what is going on. (Photo: Wavebreak Media Ltd./Corbis)

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Recognize Your Sh*t - The first and hardest step in dealing with your baggage is actually admitting that it exists. No one really wants to revisit past mistreatment, whether from an ex, friends or family members. It can be painful, but you will be a stronger person for recognizing what is going on. (Photo: Wavebreak Media Ltd./Corbis)

Recognizing Your Worth - You may believe that every dude is going to hurt you because you don’t really believe you deserve anything better. PAUSE. You are wonderful, beautiful and amazing and you will find the right person who will recognize all of that, too. You just have to believe it first. (Photo: Westend61/zerocreatives/ Corbis)

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Recognizing Your Worth - You may believe that every dude is going to hurt you because you don’t really believe you deserve anything better. PAUSE. You are wonderful, beautiful and amazing and you will find the right person who will recognize all of that, too. You just have to believe it first. (Photo: Westend61/zerocreatives/ Corbis)

Give Yourself Time - I hate the phrase, “The best way to get over someone, is to get under someone new.” As if someone else is going to take away the pain or loss that you feel. Don’t rush into something, especially if you haven’t dealt with your past feelings. Take your time and wait until you're ready — that way you'll be less likely to take out your issues on someone new. (Photo: Tetra Images/Corbis)

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Give Yourself Time - I hate the phrase, “The best way to get over someone, is to get under someone new.” As if someone else is going to take away the pain or loss that you feel. Don’t rush into something, especially if you haven’t dealt with your past feelings. Take your time and wait until you're ready — that way you'll be less likely to take out your issues on someone new. (Photo: Tetra Images/Corbis)

Adopt the Clean Slate Approach - Try entering your new relationship with a completely clean slate. Allow for this person to actually show you who they are, instead of assuming you know and jumping to conclusions. You might actually be surprised. And if you’re not, keep it pushing until you find someone who better fits your needs. (Photo: Tetra Images/Corbis)

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Adopt the Clean Slate Approach - Try entering your new relationship with a completely clean slate. Allow for this person to actually show you who they are, instead of assuming you know and jumping to conclusions. You might actually be surprised. And if you’re not, keep it pushing until you find someone who better fits your needs. (Photo: Tetra Images/Corbis)

Know Your Triggers - Part of recognizing your baggage is knowing what sets you off. So if your cheating ex would not return texts and now your new boo hasn’t returned a text and it’s out of his character, instead of lashing out, fall back and assess the situation. Is this really about him or something else? (Photo: Steve Prezant/Corbis)

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Know Your Triggers - Part of recognizing your baggage is knowing what sets you off. So if your cheating ex would not return texts and now your new boo hasn’t returned a text and it’s out of his character, instead of lashing out, fall back and assess the situation. Is this really about him or something else? (Photo: Steve Prezant/Corbis)

Being Honest With Bae - Having that conversation with someone about your insecurities isn’t easy either, especially if you’re worried that he’s going to dump you. Honesty is the key to any good relationship, and if he can’t deal or open up himself, then let him go. (Photo: LP/Jose L. Pelaez/Corbis)

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Being Honest With Bae - Having that conversation with someone about your insecurities isn’t easy either, especially if you’re worried that he’s going to dump you. Honesty is the key to any good relationship, and if he can’t deal or open up himself, then let him go. (Photo: LP/Jose L. Pelaez/Corbis)

Holding on to Anger Has No Real Benefits - It’s important to know that feelings of fear, anger, insecurity and mistrust are human and everyone will experience them. It only becomes a problem when they dominate your life and influence how you interact with others, especially those that don’t deserve it. Empower yourself with forgiveness and progress. That’s one way to move on. (Photo: Wavebreak Media Ltd./Corbis)

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Holding on to Anger Has No Real Benefits - It’s important to know that feelings of fear, anger, insecurity and mistrust are human and everyone will experience them. It only becomes a problem when they dominate your life and influence how you interact with others, especially those that don’t deserve it. Empower yourself with forgiveness and progress. That’s one way to move on. (Photo: Wavebreak Media Ltd./Corbis)


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Talk to Someone - Sometimes all of the affirmations and meditating won’t help. Sometimes you have to talk to a professional about past trauma and treatment as a means of healing. And ain’t nothing wrong with that. A therapist will listen and suggest certain strategies to move forward.(Photo: Getty Images)

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