Behind The Scenes: Lil Kim's New Video "Download"
Check out Lil Kim on the set of her new video Download featuring Charlie Wilson and T-Pain.
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Be Quiet - Shhh! Quiet on the set. Lil Kim is the star of this shoot.
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Charlie Man - Lil Kim looking fierce as Charlie Wilson grooves to the track "Download."
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Mr. Wilson - Charlie Wilson gets his time to shine on the set of Lil Kim's new video Download
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Smooth Brotha - Charlie Wilson gets his swag right on the set of Lil Kim's new video Download.
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Lights , Camera, Action! - Lil Kim and Charlie Wilson give it all when the cameras turn on.
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Get it Kim! - The Queen Bee performs for the camera on the set of her new video Download.
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Preparations - Kim and Mr. Wilson prep for the cameras on the set of her video Download.
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Pose! - Lil Kim gives the old school girl pose alongside Charlie Wilson and friend.
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Mr. and Mrs. - The Queen and King looking very stylish while performing for her video Download.
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We Fly High - Kim and Mr. Wilson reaching for the sky on the set of her new video.