Upgrade Yo' Self: Beyoncé’s Most Empowering Songs

Get your mind right with the help of Queen Bey.

Upgrade Yo' Self - Whether you need to get hype to rock your next presentation or to break up with your wack boyfriend, the Queen Bey has a song to get your mind right. Here, in chronological order, are her songs that will remind of just how amazing you are, just when you need it most. By Kenrya Rankin Naasel(Photo: Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)

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Upgrade Yo' Self - Whether you need to get hype to rock your next presentation or to break up with your wack boyfriend, the Queen Bey has a song to get your mind right. Here, in chronological order, are her songs that will remind of just how amazing you are, just when you need it most. By Kenrya Rankin Naasel(Photo: Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)

"Me, Myself and I," Beyoncé - Beyoncé smooths it out with this cut about a cheating man who has no problem leaving his three children with her. Instead of taking the emotional abuse, she decides, really, she's her own best friend. (And, in the video, she decides to key his car; kids, don't try that at home.)(Photo: Courtesy of Sony Music)

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'Me, Myself and I' (2003) - Sometimes we need a reminder that even when it seems like we have nothing, we have ourselves — and that is everything. Forget singing a ballad to an ex; it’s like singing a reassuring lullaby to yourself. Key lyric:  Me myself and I
 / That's all I got in the end / That's what I found out / And it ain't no need to cry / I took a vow that from now on / I’m gon’ be my own best friend  (Photo: Sony BMG Music Entertainment) 

'Irreplaceable' (2006) - This is the break-up song to end all break-up songs. When Beyoncé discovers her dude is “driving her around in the car that I bought you,” she tells dude that his replacement is on the way and that all the stuff he came with fits in a single box. To the left. That’s cold blooded...and empowering!  Key lyric:  You must not know 'bout me
 / You must not know 'bout me
 / I can have another you by tomorrow
 / So don't you ever for a second get to thinking you're irreplaceable  (Photo: Sony BMG Music Entertainment)

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'Irreplaceable' (2006) - This is the break-up song to end all break-up songs. When Beyoncé discovers her dude is “driving her around in the car that I bought you,” she tells dude that his replacement is on the way and that all the stuff he came with fits in a single box. To the left. That’s cold blooded...and empowering! Key lyric:  You must not know 'bout me
 / You must not know 'bout me
 / I can have another you by tomorrow
 / So don't you ever for a second get to thinking you're irreplaceable (Photo: Sony BMG Music Entertainment)

'Upgrade U' (2006) - Yes, he is lucky to have you. Bey says so. In this song, she reminds Jay of all the things she can do for him and how much more they can accomplish together than apart. Play it when you need to feel your power couple swag.  Key lyric:  Come harder, this won't be easy
 / Don't doubt yourself, trust me you need me / This ain't a shoulder with a chip or an ego
 / But what you think they all mad at me for? (Photo: Sony BMG Music Entertainment) 

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'Upgrade U' (2006) - Yes, he is lucky to have you. Bey says so. In this song, she reminds Jay of all the things she can do for him and how much more they can accomplish together than apart. Play it when you need to feel your power couple swag. Key lyric: Come harder, this won't be easy
 / Don't doubt yourself, trust me you need me / This ain't a shoulder with a chip or an ego
 / But what you think they all mad at me for? (Photo: Sony BMG Music Entertainment) 

'Diva' (2008) - Okay, so magazines aren’t writing reviews about your latest album. But you still have people reviewing how well you do your job. Listen to this before you next annual review and get in the mind frame to share everything you’ve done to help your company thrive.  Key lyric:  How you gon' be talkin' s**t? / You act like I just got up in it / Been the number one diva / In this game for a minute! / I know you read the paper / The one that they call the Queen / Every radio 'round the world know me / ’Cause that's where I be  (Photo: Sony BMG Music Entertainment)

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'Diva' (2008) - Okay, so magazines aren’t writing reviews about your latest album. But you still have people reviewing how well you do your job. Listen to this before you next annual review and get in the mind frame to share everything you’ve done to help your company thrive. Key lyric: How you gon' be talkin' s**t? / You act like I just got up in it / Been the number one diva / In this game for a minute! / I know you read the paper / The one that they call the Queen / Every radio 'round the world know me / ’Cause that's where I be (Photo: Sony BMG Music Entertainment)

'Ego' (2008) - Humility is overrated. Sometimes you need to make it clear just how much of a boss you are. This is the song that can put you in that headspace. Go get ’em — the boss, that chick or that dude.  Key lyric:  Usually I'm humble, right now I don't choose / You can leave with me or you could have the blues / Some call it arrogant, I call it confident / You decide when you find / Out what I'm working with (Photo: Sony BMG Music Entertainment)

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'Ego' (2008) - Humility is overrated. Sometimes you need to make it clear just how much of a boss you are. This is the song that can put you in that headspace. Go get ’em — the boss, that chick or that dude. Key lyric: Usually I'm humble, right now I don't choose / You can leave with me or you could have the blues / Some call it arrogant, I call it confident / You decide when you find / Out what I'm working with (Photo: Sony BMG Music Entertainment)


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'Run the World' (Girls) (2011) - This hit goes hard, from the can’t-help-but-make-you-dance Major Lazer sample to Yoncé’s forceful delivery (“F you, pay me.”), it’s impossible to listen to this ode and not feel amazing and inspired to be your most powerful female self. Key lyric: This goes out to all the women getting it in
 / You on your grind / To all the men that respect what I do / Please accept my shine / Boy I know you love it
 / How we smart enough to make these millions / Strong enough to bear the children / Then get back to business (Photo: Columbia Records)

"***Flawless" - Kicking off with "Bow Down" — the chopped and screwed banger fans heard earlier in the year — "***Flawless" is a hybrid of two concepts. Mid-song, Bey swtiches from commanding that her adversaries "bow down b-----s" to a call for female empowerment.  (Photo: Columbia Records)

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'***Flawless' (2013) - This song is about more than waking up beautiful. In it, Bey sings about defining herself on her own terms. The message is elevated by an excerpt from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's 2013 TEDxEuston Talk, “We Should All Be Feminists,” which reminds us that there are no prerequisites required to call ourselves feminists. We only need to know that we are equal. Key lyric: I took some time to live my life / 
But don't think I'm just his little wife
 / Don't get it twisted, get it twisted
 / This my s**t, bow down, b*****s (Photo: Columbia Records)

Bonus Cut: 'Independent Women Part II' (2000) - This Destiny’s Child classic is an ode to doing “them boys like they used to do you.” The ladies warn possible suitors that they are too fly and driven to be tied down right now. Play it when you need a reminder (or permission) to put yourself first.  Key lyric: Please don't call me baby / Cause I'll call you / Don't mean to hurt your feelings, got a lot to do / Cause I am my number one priority / No falling in love, no commitment from me  (Photo: Sony BMG Music Entertainment) 

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Bonus Cut: 'Independent Women Part II' (2000) - This Destiny’s Child classic is an ode to doing “them boys like they used to do you.” The ladies warn possible suitors that they are too fly and driven to be tied down right now. Play it when you need a reminder (or permission) to put yourself first. Key lyric: Please don't call me baby / Cause I'll call you / Don't mean to hurt your feelings, got a lot to do / Cause I am my number one priority / No falling in love, no commitment from me  (Photo: Sony BMG Music Entertainment) 

Survivor  - On the Destiny's Child hit "Survivor," Michelle Williams sang, "If I surround my self with positive things / I'll gain prosperity." She was right! She surrounded herself with Beyoncé Knowles and Kelly Rowland and skyrocketed the supergroup straight to the top of the charts and into fans' hearts worldwide. (Photo: Columbia Records)

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Bonus Cut: 'Survivor' (2001) - This cut is about leaving a terrible dude and showing him just how much better off you are without him. From telling him that she’s smarter now to rubbing his face in how many albums she has sold, Bey reminds us that though it may hurt to move on, it clears the path to a better life. Key lyric: Now that you’re out of my life, I'm so much better / You thought that I'd be weak without you, but I'm stronger / You thought that I'd be broke without you, but I'm richer / You thought that I'd be sad without you, I laugh harder
 / You thought I wouldn't grow without you, now I'm wiser (Photo: Columbia Records)