Rihanna Whips Her Hair Back and Forth

Don't miss Rihanna's "Diamonds" on 106 at 6P/5C!

Glamour Meets Grunge - The "Diamonds" singer gave us '90s-grunge realness last winter with bleached blonde tresses and dark roots.  (Photo: Jason Merritt/Getty Images)
Long and Lean - The star had experimented with shaved sides in the past, but switched up the look with long, jet black extensions last April. (Photo: REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao)

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Back to Black - After exploring every color of the rainbow, Rihanna has most recently decided to go back to black and stay with the trend by shaving one side of her head. She looks a lot edgier, but she's still flawless.    Don't miss the Rihanna New Joint, "Diamonds" tonight on 106 at 6P/5C!(Photo: YURIKO NAKAO/Landov)