10 Things We Learned From Mary J. Blige's Interview With The Breakfast Club

The Queen of Hip Hop Soul drops that title, plus more.

The Breakthrough  - Mary has transitioned from her depressed, heartbroken records but admits some people wanted her to reamain in a box. But for her, life goes on, as she explained, “A lot of people would rather that I stayed messed up and sad because that’s where they were. But when you grow, you’re going to lose some people and either they’re going to follow you later or they’re not and that’s the chance you have to take as a leader.”  (Photo: Chris Jackson/Getty Images for Nobel Peace Prize Concert)
All That I Got Is You - One of the Queen’s finest hip hop performances was when she sang on Ghost’s classic hardship biography "All That I Got Is You." However, Mary didn’t appear in the video version, which ended up being sung by Wu-Tang vocalist Tekitha. The Yonkers diva explained the drama at the time, saying it wasn’t in her control and, “It was some label stuff politics and someone saying 'No' at the label for whatever reason.”(Photos from left: Christopher Polk/Getty Images For (Belvedere) RED, Fergus McDonald/Getty Images) 
Keep It Moving - Mary J. Blige received backlash when she sang about chicken for Burger King’s crispy chicken wrap back in 2012. Laughing about the situation in hindsight now, Mary stated, “We had to get rid of our [ad] agency because that was a hiccup but it was all of our faults. Nobody was paying attention … and when I seen it later, I was like, ‘What was I thinking?’ I wasn’t thinking."(Photo: Burger King)
New Jack Swing - Mary's a huge fan of Bobby Shmurda’s “Hot N---a.” “I saw that video and was like, ‘Yes,’ the kids need to see that feeling [of having fun and dancing]. That reminds us of us when we were growing up." Pretty sure it does as it's an updated version of the Mary bop and Diddy bop perfected by the Uptown Records alum.  (Photos from left: Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images for FIJI Water, Bennett Raglin/BET/Getty Images for BET)Share My World - MJB also said that she was contemplating writing a book about her life as titles like My Life and What’s the 411? were tossed around. “I would start [the book] early [in my life] so people would know why you are so damaged, why you drank so much, why you hated yourself so much … to know where it came from."   (Photo: Chris Jackson/Getty Images for Nobel Peace Prize Concert)

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All That I Got Is You - One of the Queen’s finest hip hop performances was when she sang on Ghost’s classic hardship biography "All That I Got Is You." However, Mary didn’t appear in the video version, which ended up being sung by Wu-Tang vocalist Tekitha. The Yonkers diva explained the drama at the time, saying it wasn’t in her control and, “It was some label stuff politics and someone saying 'No' at the label for whatever reason.”(Photos from left: Christopher Polk/Getty Images For (Belvedere) RED, Fergus McDonald/Getty Images)