Artist Highlights Nuances of Black Life in 1001 Black Men
The series challenges racial stereotypes.
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1001 BLACK MEN: An Online Sketchbook - In her series "1001 Black Men," Oakland artist and African-American literature professor Ajuan M. Mance challenges painful stereotypes of African-American men long proliferated across popular culture. Bursting with color and inspired by the faces Mance sees throughout her travels, her drawings highlight "the wonderful complexity of African-American lives" while spurring dialogue about how African-American men see themselves and each other, she says on her website. Keep reading for a closer look at her works, and see more at By: Britt Middleton (Photo: 1001 Black Men Series: Online Sketchbook by Ajuan Mance, #545)
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#572 - Zocaló Cafe, San Leandro, CA. (Photo: 1001 Black Men Series: Online Sketchbook by Ajuan Mance, #572)
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#573 - Starbucks, MacArthur Blvd, San Leandro, CA. (Photo: 1001 Black Men Series: Online Sketchbook by Ajuan Mance, #573)
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#571 - Outside Egbert Souse, Piedmont, Ave., Oakland, CA. (Photo: 1001 Black Men Series: Online Sketchbook by Ajuan Mance, #571)
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#570 - Perimeter Mall, Atlanta, GA.(Photo: 1001 Black Men Series: Online Sketchbook by Ajuan Mance, #570)