Here, seven ideas that celebrate the values of each day.
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It’s a Celebration! - Celebrating Kwanzaa this year? It starts December 26 and runs through January 1, with a focus on a different one of the Nguzo Saba (Seven Principles) on each day. On the final day, we give zawadi, or gifts, that embody the spirit of the celebration. Much like Christmas, kids are the primary recipients, but we could all use a reminder of the principles. Here, gift ideas that celebrate the values of each day; starred items — all but two — are from black-owned companies and organizations. By Kenrya Rankin Naasel (Photo: 2/Inti St. Clair/Ocean/Corbis)
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Day 4. Ujamaa | Cooperative Economics
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Day 5. Nia | Purpose
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Day 6. Kuumba | Creativity
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Day 7. Imani | Faith
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